2004-03-22 - 10:25 a.m.



The weekend began on Friday night celebrating a birthday. Birthday celebrations usually end up with the birthday boy getting drunk, etc. Somehow they also always wind up with me getting particularly wasted as well. Probably because I feel responsible for making this happen�and not wanting them to be trashed alone, I join them. Either that or I�m just a mess. Woke up Saturday morning and had the following conversation with myself.

Me: Huh, 8:00am? What time did I go to bed?

My Mind: 4:30am dumbass.

Me: That�s weird after so much drinking I think I would have felt much worse, especially so early in the morning.

My Mind: That is funny�wait a minute.

Me: uh oh.

My Mind: *doing an inventory check of the blood*

Me: What�s the matter?

My Mind: Yeah, Eric you�re still drunk



The next time I woke up, I was not so lucky to be feeling fabulous. It was more along the lines of getting smacked in the nuts. My nose was hypersensitive to smell and I could tell what dishing soap Dr. C was using even though I was in the bedroom. I also didn�t enjoy the smell of the dryer sheets because it left a residue that I normally cannot smell after I use them. For some reason Eric with a hangover also means Eric has dog-like smelling.

Around 5:00pm things were starting to look ok and my nose was once again muted to most things. A shopping trip was in order and we found ourselves at the pet store to get more fish. Dr. C had the fishlady bag three fish, one catfish and two smaller fish, the names of which I cannot remember. Soon after being handed the plastic bag with the fish, it was dropped. By the time we got home, one of the fish was pronounced DOA *flush* while the other one chose to swim in loops until it couldn�t do hack it anymore and gave up. He swam loops once again�this time in the porcelain fishbowl I like to call the toilet (turlet). *flush*

So that�s pretty much it, dead fish, severe hangover, and a false sense of wellness soon discredited as being incredible. I�m still tired.

