Pimpslaps for Eric!

Widya - 2004-06-30 08:29:37
So sorry to hear about your botched up breakfast. I love breakfast myself and get really mean if I have to go without it. But it was an entertaining entry. Thanks for making me crack up. :-)
kristin - 2004-06-30 08:33:27
Babycakes, you make-a me laugh. Mornings are for the birds. Ca-caw!
razor-vixen - 2004-06-30 08:57:46
d'oh! I hate mornings like that. On MOnday morning I broke a glass box in my bathroom, glass everywhere...but of course I am running behind like always & so I won't be later than usual I just leave it to clean up when I get home. But of course I forget & then I have to clean it up before bed when I am really tired. I really hope the rest of your day goes better!
crabbyjill - 2004-06-30 10:09:21
I love you. You made me laugh so early in the day.......what a good start. I feel better already. Breakfast may have been a flop, but your diary is a huge success.
smokinkudzu - 2004-06-30 10:43:24
shitty morning, dude, but DAMN! it made me laugh. Me? the shaker top came off my protein shake maker AS I WAS SHAKING IT. Milk and protein shake all over, cat and dog coverd in vanilla protein goop that hadn't dissolved yet, now look like they have a screamin' case of leprosy. Bad, Bad, Bad. Just be careful opening your damn soup today.
aw - 2004-06-30 11:48:33
Maybe this is too obvious....but place the container with the pull ring on the counter. Firmly hold it with left hand on the counter (this is key) with right hand grasp the ring and pull straight up. Do not let the container come off the counter. I thought you were much more accomplished in the kitchen. I tried God knows I tried.
lap - 2004-06-30 12:37:33
You need to get some cool tentacles like Doc Oc in Spiderman 2. If they turned evil they might shower your co-workers with said shampoo, but that might amuse you rather than causing chagrin. Isn't chagrin a nice word? I like to think so, but I am very tired from seeing a midnight movie.
JuddHole - 2004-06-30 14:22:05
Sandwich grains, peppercorns, and OJ pulp, OH MY!

Better luck cooking next time, Dorothy.
Jenn - 2004-06-30 16:08:40
I don't know why, but this comment "*Pull ring...right hand goes bananas with jealousy, OJ everywhere*" made me spit...well, spit...onto my monitor. Haha!


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