Pimpslaps for Eric!

Madame - 2004-05-25 12:51:18
First: Hot new layout. Second: I have that EXACT SAME SHOWER CURTAIN. With the ducks? Third: I have a picture of myself with that woman. I wish.
John Birmingham - 2004-05-25 19:05:20
Eric DAH-link ! I found your website via a hyperlink on Disco's D-land diary. You are wonderful to read! I've read all of your entries from day one and you get funnier all the time. Great legs by the way. Yow. Can't wait to see what trouble you Mother's will be getting into next. It's a pleasure getting to know ya Eric. *Cheers* on the new job too. I work for an insurance company and I'm ready to slit my own throat over the boredom. And you were with the FAA? Lordy. Thank God for Vodka. God save the Queens.....Yay ! Hugs - John and Danny in Phoenix (A toasty 98 degrees today....jealous yet?)
thea - 2004-05-25 19:40:09
love the new layout!! and i'm sorry....the pic of you pissed in the club is PRICELESS!! you are too cute when you're mad!! lol


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