Pimpslaps for Eric!

fargahar - 2004-05-17 21:21:16
" Let�s face it, two kinds of people in this world...my kind and assholes."
If that is not the most perfect quote ever, I don't know what is.

aw - 2004-05-18 06:50:39
There are no pictures, or is it just me and your are messing with my head??
Michelle - 2004-05-18 10:14:42
Nice Pics! I'm still trying to figure out where that hand between that black guys legs is coming from.
Eric - 2004-05-18 13:22:30
Yeah, that's my friend Gary's hand. He thought he would do a mock "boner" while Marcus was hitting a high note. I didn't even know he did that until I saw the pictures. He so crazy!
aw - 2004-05-18 17:11:25
I came back to your entry and VIOLA! (I know I spelled it VIOLA) there they were. Just a thought...cut your hair regularly.
nina - 2004-05-19 12:52:30
peaches! I love your hair cut. So sassy for the warm summer months. LYLAS! We need to chat it up soon.
lap - 2004-05-20 09:53:33
I loved the mohawk too though, I am a little torn. Just a smidge since anything you do style-wise is all but flawless in my opinion.


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