Pimpslaps for Eric!

fargahar - 2004-04-12 12:44:15
"If you feel like having your entire life scrutinized, generalized, and made fun of, I�ll be happy to do it by watching you work in your natural habitat for a few seconds. It�s a freelance thing."
It is a rare artform that only a few of us are blessed enough to be learned and accomplished in. *guffaw*
nina - 2004-04-13 09:20:18
artsy fartsy. whatever. seriously.
Chuck - 2004-04-13 14:51:17
Dude, the Kokomo pictures.....I swear I love you guys so much.
lap - 2004-04-13 17:02:09
Eric play nice with your sister or I won't buy you that nice tie I saw in the jcrew catalog....


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