Pimpslaps for Eric!

lap - 2004-03-30 10:44:16
The Recumbent Weatherman..hee hee.
fargahar - 2004-03-30 11:02:35
My husband works for a subsidiary of Microshaft and they are working on this big project. His company is completing 70% of it and this company in India is completing 30% of it. Everyday he complains about it being the worst project he has ever worked on because of the miscommunication between the two parties.
"Jesus Tap Dancing Christ" I Love it!
AW - 2004-03-30 13:08:06
The transfer to India is pretty funny and it really strikes a chord with me. I had an AOL experience with New Dehli. Imagine them trying to deal with my name. I hated to cry like a baby but I was very close. Once I begged AOL not to transfer me to India, I told them that they either couldn't understand me or I could not understand them. This is what AOL, USA told me...I am not making this up... "We are aware of the problem, and have speech therapists working with them to correct it!!" Great now they have outsourced speech therapists.


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