Pimpslaps for Eric!

Madame - 2004-03-05 09:20:42
Margaritas go really well with he-men.
lap - 2004-03-05 09:56:58
I call every little kid that I don't know "Buddy". Even when I was a tired server, I am pretty sure I would never call anyone I wanted a tip of any kind from "Buddy". I promise I will only call you that name if when we meet you are in oversize cordouroy overalls and pulling a wagon that Kristin is riding in. Of course if you were dressed like that you'd give me a drooly grin and hug me like there was no tomorrow until Disco came and pried you off, right?
Eric - 2004-03-05 10:10:24
I only hope that I can have that kind of outfit. Pulling Kristin in a wagon would be money. I'll see if I can get Red Flyer for the D.C. journalcon.
kristin - 2004-03-05 10:45:50
HAHAHA. Me in a wagon LAST WEEK. See, Eric, you'd pull me to the top of the hill, and then you'd get in (front, me in back), and we would go down, steering with the handle. And you know what I'm talking about here. man. It would be really great if we could hook it up with the Town and Country wagon with the removable wooden sides!!!! Superb. Oh, and there is no way that Disco could pry Eric offa you, Mz. Lap. Eric is hella strong!
thea - 2004-03-05 18:40:24
bet your bottom dollar that tomrrow there'll be sun...


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