Pimpslaps for Eric!

michelle - 2004-02-02 11:41:18
yeah, I agree, justin did look kind of scraggely with his facial hair, he is trying to look more manly I guess, but it boes not look right on him. As for janet's boob, her boob was not supposed to fall out. Justin was only supposed to rip off the top layer, but i guess he yanked a bit too hard, so he had to apologize to janet and to cbs. CBS officials went to the rehearsals during the week, and there were no mishaps with her clothing whatsoever NFL president was very disappointed in the halftime show, and therfore will probably not let MTV produce a halftime show ever again. That is their loss though, because for the past 3 years, they have been doing kick ass half time shows.
Reggie B. - 2004-02-02 11:50:13
*sigh* I'm an ass-head... what can I say. Good news is, I'm out of my drug induced funk, and ready to make it up to you!! Give me a call, and if I'm not at my desk do it again later, cause as you know my cell phone is dead. We'll talk Mr. P ... (oh, I'll never use that again).
kristin - 2004-02-02 11:52:21
The best part about the titty incident is that literally seconds before mom said "Good for Janet not taking it all off" (costume-wise), and then PLOP! hahhahhahhaa. WOOO!
kristin - 2004-02-02 11:52:53
OH. And also. *AIRHORN**AIRHORN* Because Janets titty deserves at least that much.
Chuck - 2004-02-02 13:45:00
what about I just stocked my whole entire bathroom floor to ceiling with aveda everything. except i don't buy those pumice stones because, i mean, you gotta draw the line the somewhere and i draw it at volcanic rock on a stick. right? and, btw, i totally i agree with you about NOT. it was my favorite word in the early nineties. retarded as an adjective came back, so i don't see why NOT can't be resurrected as well.


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