Pimpslaps for Eric!

Madame - 2004-01-28 14:10:25
Ha! Poultry! I love it.
Chuck - 2004-01-29 13:08:34
I have the EXACT same problem with my earphones and sunglasses. And then try sporting a lid on top of all that gear! I'd give anything to have bigger ears. Or maybe someone will invent an earphone, shades and cap combo one day. Luckily, though, it's usually overcast and foggy in San Francisco.
demi-orphan - 2004-02-02 01:10:33
Okay, really enjoyed the pics and comments entry! The pic of you at work is just priceless! You've captured the feelings of an entire gay generation working in an institution that just doesn't appreciate their fabulousness! You go, girl! You can lead the movement, I'll apply the glitter. / Later... D/O


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