Pimpslaps for Eric!

nina - 2003-12-18 13:24:34
First. why in the name of my mother are you trying to worry about people who audibly bust ass? Seriously dude your ass is a symphony of sounds. Also all day long I have been thinking it was Friday, and on Tuesday I thought it was Wednesday. I just can't get it together.
Eric - 2003-12-18 15:22:53
Girl, I'm not saying my ass is quiet, but it's one thing at home. It is another story all together when someone is trying to give you directions, at work mind you, and they bust ass in the middle of a sentence.
Eric - 2003-12-18 15:23:15
Girl, I'm not saying my ass is quiet, but it's one thing at home. It is another story all together when someone is trying to give you directions, at work mind you, and they bust ass in the middle of a sentence.
Christa - 2003-12-19 14:15:08
The creepy man who used to collect pool water samples for our lab used to stop mid-sentence while standing across from me leaning on a counter-top and strain to push out his gas then totally ignore that it had happened. Which is worse, the apology or absolutely nothing? Sorry about your crap week.
nina - 2003-12-23 08:18:07
I wanna hear your version of cookie day ass. So give it a p'up-date


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