Pimpslaps for Eric!

aw - 2003-11-05 13:47:05
I don't know why, but this entry reminded me of the time, that in the middle of a meat loaf and mashed potato dinner, you ran to the fridge and ate about 10 maraschino cherries. According to you; you had a craving, LOL. It was just you, me and cupcake. Your parents had abandoned us, as they tried to do at every opportunity.
nina - 2003-11-05 18:27:54
I want to say go Ms. Ho. Also why is it that I can take the future sociopaths of america and teach them to be functioning members of society but can not figure which control on the back of my oven works which burner? This causes me to be late alot as I have to wait for the water to heat up for my tea.


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