Pimpslaps for Eric!

cozmikgurl79 - 2003-10-09 12:51:50
Airhorns are great to cheer on/humiliate friends and family members at their graduations! (My dad used one at my high school graduation, so I know)...
aw - 2003-10-09 13:05:53
My recommendation on ducks as a pet, is make sure you get a male duck. Females are incredibly loud. Sort of like an airhorn. There you go, the best combo a female duck to use as an airhorn as needed. WOW Cupcake on the Metro with a duck under his arm. OMG I am going to have a difficult time getting that visual out of my mind!!!
Eric - 2003-10-09 13:12:14
Hopefully if I tell the metro station people that it's my "seeing-eye duck" they will let it on since only animals used to assist the disabled are allowed on the train.
aw - 2003-10-09 13:33:56
Ducks would be great as an assist the visually impaired. They also make great alarms, my three chased off a prowler once. The ducks were running around the yard squawking, as I was dialing 911. The prowler was trying to figure out how to get out of the yard with all the gates locked. I was thinking, jump over the fence stupid, the same way you got in.
nina - 2003-10-13 11:38:15
students: working quietly. me: *airhorn* times up. I am laughing just thinking about that scenario. One time I was walking in the parking lot and one of my students got near my car so I set of the alarm. That cracked me up all day. I think the kid crapped his pants. he did not find the stunt to be funny. Oh well. I did.


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