2004-04-16 - 1:29 p.m.


friday part deux

What I just heard upon returning to my work-related area I like to call hell:

Tech guy (working on an guys�s computer): *typing*

Employee: no, no, no you need to put in the other password.

Tech guy: what?

Employee: no, no, the other password, the old one

Tech guy: I�m just trying to set this up

Employee: here, let me just sit down

Tech guy: but I�m..

Employee: no seriously, move�*typing* see, that�s what you needed to do, you know you�re not the only smart one around here (apparently smart is synonymous with asshole)

So I finish with the interview and am told that they will be in touch �later.� I hope to God by �later� they mean in a few hours and by �in touch� they mean �you�re hired.�

On my way back into the city there�s some light traffic which is to be expected and then I see that the exit I need to take to get to my street is closed down. BEEEEAUUUUUUTIFUL. Thank you very much Washington. I hope it doesn�t have to do with that damn parade. I couldn�t even figure out what they were talking about when they said there was a parade downtown that would shut down some streets. Apparently there is an Emancipation Parade or something when we succeeded from Britain. Honestly, I don�t know. What I do know was that it caused me to do some re-routing. I did find a parking space much sooner than expected. I get back to my desk and find I have no messages, no notes, one of the people I report to is gone, and no significant email to answer. Just one from my company asking everyone to send back their suggestions for a picnic theme.

I�m getting together with some homos tonight to watch Kill Bill and then headin out. I�ll get a disposable camera because I�m all about the posting of photos. Keep your eyes peeled.


No wait I�m not done�overheard just now:

�Coral is a color that really cheers me up.�
