2004-01-12 - 9:47 a.m.


weekend madness

As soon as I take eight more pictures I will be able to drop off this camera to be developed. If all things worked out, there should be some seriously choice shots of me in a shopping cart, me looking disgusted at work, and of my friends at the grocery store at 3:00 in the morning. I may just wind up taking stupid pictures in order to develop these bitches pronto.

Friday began the madness with birthday celebrations. Cocktails were had before leaving the apartment with some friends and on the way to the car we were talking about how there is a resident shopping cart for peoples use, even though we don�t have an elevator. I�m still wondering why the hell it�s there. I figure I might as well take advantage of this so I hop in the shopping cart and am pushed out to the car by a friend of mine who tells the rest of the group that he just picked up a white boy on aisle 3 at the K-Mart. Unfortunately, we were the only ones in the parking lot to appreciate it, however photos were taken and will hopefully come out.

The evening progressed nicely and having several cocktails and some pills loaded with ephedra, I was ready to go. Since it was a birthday celebration, I was uber glittery. It looked like a pixie sneezed on me. We headed over to the dance club were vodka and red bull was taken down like water. Unfortunately the songs we heard were none that I recognized, but still had a poppy feel to them. I was pretty much set with whatever they wanted to play as long as it wasn�t some circuit party crap that would only be appreciated by someone pumped full of MDMA.

On the ride home we all decided that food was in order. Thankfully there�s a Shoppers Food Warehouse about a mile or two away from the apartment. Still a little hyper from the evening, Shoppers was like a playground. I don�t think I�ve ever had the experience of skipping down the frozen food aisle looking for breakfast sausage with a basket of buffalo chicken in one hand and a two liter bottle of Mountain Dew in the other...wait a minute, I think I have, but that's another story all together. We scared the crap out of the checkout lady just by being there and surprisingly enough, there was a good chunk of people there buying a crap-ton of groceries. At 3:00am? Come on people, don�t we have better things to do?

Upon reaching the apartment, the overwhelming fatigue set in and once my sparkly head hit that pillow, it was lights out.

The morning after (or later on that morning, whichever way you want to look at it) we got up and I promptly remembered that I told my parents that I would be home early afternoon to pick up the area rug for my living room. I also had to take a friend of mine home to Waldorf, which is sort of on the way. We missed the exit to take him home and he wound up coming home with me. We stopped at Apple-sleaze (Applebees) on the way to my house and saw Kristin and a few of her friends, and then it was off to the parent�s house to pick up the rug.

I dropped the birthday boy off in Waldorf and went back to Alexandria were we laid down the rug and sat around like lazy bums. Sunday was more of the same, minus a phone call from my mother. It went a little bit like this:

Mom: So, how�s the rug

Me: It�s good.

Mom: Not too tough to lay down?

Me: No, not at all.

Mom: It wasn�t really want I expected it to look like. So it fits ok?

Me: Yes, it looks great.

Mom: Ok, cause now that I look at the photo in the catalog I can see how I thought it might look different.

Me: Uh huh.

Mom: So, did you cut the padding for under the rug.

Me: Yes.

Mom: So are you like laying on it and rolling around or what?

Me: Uh huh.

Mom: Ok, well what I was thinking was that we needed to meet up at Ikea to get you something for the walls because they�re too bare, and what about the slip covers, have you picked a color and measured the furniture yet?

Me: �.

Mom: I mean, I was thinking we could do a little ledge thing to lean pictures on and then I thought that Ikea would probably have something pretty decent that would be freestanding behind the couch and you wouldn�t have to worry about violating the whole �nothing on the walls� thing.

Me: Right.

Mom: So just pick a weekend and we�ll go get that stuff taken care of.

Me: Kay.

Mom: So it wasn�t too tough to lay the rug down.

Me: No.

It went on like this for another five minutes or so. The fact that my mother works at an interior design firm coupled with too much Queer Eye for the Straight Guy have caused her to have an itch to decorate anything and everything that crosses her path. Since I have a newly acquired apartment AND I�m her son, it has created a project behind her imagination. The unfortunate thing is I need to sort of pay off things like credit card debt and get new brakes for my car before I order slipcovers in �sandstone.�

Monday is staring out ok since I didn�t go over to the Federal building right away, but I can sense that people are looking for me so I should probably head over there soon. There is also the possibility that I will have to attend a 3:30 meeting today. If that happens, God help me.

