2003-10-22 - 11:21 a.m.


stinky metro

Last night I went over to my friend Rich�s apartment for some Cuban food and a viewing of Queer Eye. He made some excellent Cuban food and we hung out and watched retarded TV before the queers took the stage. Can I just say that we watched the Real World Paris and that mother from Boston is a fucking lunatic. Not only does he have no forehead, but he kept starting fights with all these mothers, and the guy who he shares a room with didn�t� do anything about it and then was all nice to him when his girlfriend came and offered to stay at a hotel so they could have the room to himself. What a fucking pussy.

So this morning on the metro I sat behind this woman who was nodding off, like I tend to do, but she kept doing it over and over again in the same pattern. It was like listening to a skipping record. Her head would go forward, then tilt to the right, hit the side of the window and then she would wake up. As soon as her head was back in the upright position, it started all over again. It got to the point where I couldn�t watch it anymore because it was driving me crazy and I just wanted to slap her.

After I started ignoring the mess that was sitting in front of me this mother decides to sit down next to me that smelled like �old man.� It wasn�t cute and he was on the train for a long time. He got off one stop before mine. There were also mega delays coming into the city and I swear before holy God that I want out of that stinking apartment so I don�t have to deal with that long ass train ride in. Someone stop the madness!

I was typing away at my computer this morning when someone came around to notify everyone they needed to save any information on their computer before they shut the power off. At that very instant I had a flashback to last weeks meeting I was forced to go to about the �emergency shelter� program and how they would be having a drill this Wednesday to practice what needs to happen in case disaster strikes D.C. (Not counting the re-election of Bush). I looked at my watch and remembered it was going to take place at 10:15. It was 10:10 when I looked at my watch. You should have seen how fast I saved everything on my machine, grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs and out the door. I sit on the 5th floor, which isn�t terrible, but five flights of stairs at rapid pace is not something I would recommend on a daily basis. In avoiding the drill I guess I sort of had my own drill so to speak. I did a drill of what needs to happen if they ever have another drill like that again. Thankfully I was out of the building before they locked the doors (part of the drill is them locking down the building).

It�s getting close to lunchtime and I am HON-gry. I�m going over to my former roommates new condo for dinner. I�m having quite the action packed week after work, which is good because it�s making Friday come that much faster. HOORAY for quick weeks!

