2005-03-09 - 3:44 p.m.


Sailors, Orientals, and Indians...OH MY!

I�m posting!!! And there are pictures!!!

Can you believe it? Where have I been all these days? Wasting away in an office during the week and attending parties on the weekends that have had horrible, horrible themes like �The Village People.� The best part about that �themed� birthday party was that only two of the organizers were in on it. I show up to this party and the first thing I see are two 19 year-old looking mothers wearing the same jeans, white tank top and sideways sailor hat. I�m not sure how that fit into the �Village People� theme as they did not have a mustache or sunglasses on. If you�re gonna do something like that, do it right. It was at this moment that I immediately pictured myself digging their graves after a few cocktails. They immediately ran up to everyone I came with and told us that we should go over to the bar because they had already been drinking and were �getting wasted.� Suddenly I no longer needed the inspiration of a few cocktails to get a shovel and start digging.

The best party I think I attended was held in a condo in D.C. I use the term �condo� loosely as it was a gorgeous pad and had exposed brick and super high ceilings while the wall-mounted plasma screen TV was doing a picture slide show of the pictures as they were being taken. This mother also had a bartender who always had 16 martini�s on the bar (four of each flavor) and someone standing outside the complex with a guest list...me too! Unfortunately I did not get to stay very long. The martinis were super sweet anyway so after two you were pretty much done. The lemonhead martini was enough to make not only your teeth rot, but your lips were hiding inside your mouth.

Work has been a crazy mess and I have found a new apartment in the District of Columbia that I will be moving myself into on April 9th. I spent most of this morning dealing with my new property management company and finding out when I owed money so that I knew when I had to go to the 7-11 to get that every important money order.

Last weekend I went to the least interesting of all museums in Washington, D.C. the Native American Museum. While having brunch beforehand (how gay am I?) I was hoping there would at least be an Indian Casino on the rooftop. There wasn�t. BOO!

Apart from being wrapped up in America�s Next Top Model and packing up my shit to get out of the fascist Commonwealth of Virginia not too much is going on. My mind is very scattered right now because it�s scatting season as Kristin has so kindly informed everyone. I�m also coming down with something which worries me a tad because this is my Mom�s birthday weekend and I�ll be damned if I�m missing martini�s and going out to a nice restaurant. My scapegoat right now is Herman, the bear that I have sitting on my desk. Whenever life gets me down, I stab Herman with paperclips. It�s fun.

Speaking of her birthday, you cannot let her know that these pictures are posted since some of them will be used as her birthday present so it�s very �hush hush.�

I doubt this one will make it into the birthday present mix as this is me at my friend�s birthday party.

Kristin and I next to graffiti in an old car lot in D.C.

Kristin and I at the Mandarin Oriental in D.C. having cocktails. If you are ever in this neck of the woods, I HIGHLY recommend their Saki Martini. It�s gorgeous.

This is us on the roof deck of a condo complex in D.C. Actually, it�s the same condo complex as the one party with the plasma and the martinis. Note to self: Acquire money�move into said complex.

I�m pretty tapped I must say. I�ve done an entry, photos and I�m sick. FUCK THIS. I hope everyone enjoyed. I�ll be taking shots of Nyquil and vitamin C later on today. Just what I wanted for a Wednesday.

