2004-06-30 - 9:11 p.m.


Pictures and crap

I know I promised these a while ago and while there aren�t too many I figured I would put in the best of the bunch. Certain photos were omitted due to lack of a good face or lack of me. No need for posting photos of complete strangers...except for the one but that�s because his outfit was so hideous that it had to be documented.

The taste of black pepper has finally left my mouth although I have a feeling I will be getting a visit from a spicy turd in a day or two. Perhaps it�ll make my ass sneeze. I pity the cleaning women if it happens at work. Now on to the photos:

This is my friend Marcus and me on the street awaiting the parade. I�m up to something...but quite honestly I can�t remember what.

Look at this skelton of a woman carrying this banner. Not only was she the best part of the whole damn parade, but she also came over to talk to us, lite a cigarette and in between heaving and hacking said she ran a 10K earlier that day. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. Wouldn�t you?

Myself, Gary, and Rob. I didn�t realize we were going for a �happy to be here� pose. I opted for �go fuck your mother.� I stick by my choice.

From left to right: Dr. C, the skinniest man alive, Reggie, me, Marcus, and Rob. The beauty of this picture is that we have no idea who the guy on the left is. It�s not like our corner was packed with people and he was standing there. Mother actually got in the picture for no good reason.

Look at this outfit right now and tell me with a �straight� face that white pants shouldn�t be outlawed...at least on her.

I�m going to go to be early tonight in hopes that I am more lucid for the morning breakfast routine. Now that I�ve learned the secret to opening milk and OJ (place cartons on the counter) hopefully I can struggle my way through. If not, then you�ll be hearing about it at 0800 hours. That is all for now...

